Günter Haffelder

Haffelder developed a new variant of EEG measurements. With it, the previously neglected delta waves and the activities of the so-called limbic system – an important control center between the cerebrum and the sensory and feeling centers in the brain – can be examined more closely. With the help of the computer, the measured data are broken down into their individual vibration components using special mathematical formulas and their temporal changes are continuously displayed. This creates a topography, a kind of map of brain activities. With the help of Haffelder’s analytical method it was possible to elicit some of its hidden information from this tangle.

The basic research, the development of the measurement method, the findings from the various research projects on the functioning of the brain and their empirical verification began as early as 35 years ago.

In doing so, Günter Haffelder made a major contribution to research into PSI phenomena, in particular neurological activities in remote viewing technology. In his research he proved that the brain activities of the viewer change significantly during a remote viewing session.

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