German Student Magicians

Paul H. Smith came to Germany for the first time this year to teach the CRV Basic Course to a class of 4 German students. Four excellent German viewers made an impression. And were impressed themselves.

25 years of Remote Viewing in Germany

We look back on a quarter of a century of Remote Viewing in Germany. 25 years ago, the first German remote viewers were trained, bringing Ed Dames' TRV protocol with them from their trip to the USA. A story of exciting times, in the spirit of optimism at the end of the nineties ...

Gold Standard

The PSI unit team on training with Paul H. Smith. This journey started as an adventure and stayed that way until the end: Two viewers starting on the most recent of four different remote viewing training programs—and starting once more from scratch. It was exciting, informative, adventurous – and very hard.

CRV – R&D in military times

Today's CRV (Controlled Remote Viewing) was developed with the goal of being able to transfer "natural psychics" capabilities to selected non-media trainees. In addition, protocol-based work had the effect of allowing cleaner analysis of the data and dealing with the problem of AOLs.

Lying or Sitting? From ERV and CRV

The pure definition of "remote viewing" only says something about the ability of the human mind, not about the means that are used for it. Over time, there have been two main approaches that we will briefly put together ...

The truth ist out there.

The intelligence service report on the "Preliminary Assessment of Unidentified Air Phenomena" released today had been eagerly awaited. In the last few weeks and months, more and more photos and videos have been leaked, some of which were later officially confirmed. But what does that mean in connection with remote viewing?

Remote viewing by order


Viele verschiedene Fragestellungen sind mit Remote Viewing erforschbar. Besonders reizvoll ist auch die Möglichkeit, unabhängig von Raum und Zeit Orte und Situationen zu beleuchten und nach Lösungen zu suchen. Erwarten Sie aber keine Wunder – auch der beste Remote Viewer hat keine 100-prozentige Trefferquote. Die Methode ist nicht unfehlbar und hat Empfehlungs- oder Beratungscharakter.

Durch Remote Viewing eingeholte Informationen sind ausschließlich Empfehlungen oder Beratungen ohne Gewährleistung. Wir empfehlen, sich umfassend zu informieren und alle verfügbaren Informationen auf der Basis von Logik und Rationalität abzuwägen. Speziell im Gesundheitsbereich gilt: Die Inhalte der Sessions können und sollen nicht verwendet werden, um eigenständig Diagnosen zu stellen oder Behandlungen zu beginnen.