If you look at the résumés of people who are serious about remote viewing, you will notice an accumulation of two professional fields that at first glance are not connected with each other – the IT world and the artistic areas. First of all, this raises an interesting question: What is the core of these two activities? The conclusion that it is about the use of intuitive processes in creative problem solving comes to mind. Both areas have a common interface.
In the field of fine arts there is a project that directly connects remote viewing and painting: The artist “ Stage3art “Implements impressions from stage III (ie stage 3) directly after an RV session as intuitively painted pictures. The works are mostly created with acrylic paint or mixed media on canvas or paper. The result is very impressive images that, if you take your time, reveal many interwoven levels of observation.
On his website, the painter says about his special art form “I realized for myself that I bring many subconscious processes to light with it. I turned it, looked at it from different perspectives, and realized that art is simply much more than just colors on paper. They are multidimensional insights into complex realities and scenarios. Depending on which side the picture is on, it shows a different scenario. It is similar to the point of views in life. ”
(Deutsche Übersetzung: „Ich merkte für mich, dass ich damit viele unbewusste Prozesse ans Licht bringe. Ich drehte es, betrachtete es aus verschiedenen Perspektiven und erkannte, dass Kunst einfach viel mehr ist als nur Farben auf Papier. Es sind multidimensionale Einblicke in komplexe Realitäten und Szenarien. Je nachdem, auf welcher Seite das Bild steht, zeigt es ein anderes Szenario. Es ist ähnlich wie mit den Blickwinkeln im Leben.“)
We travel a lot with our mind. Especially at night. We dive into our subconscious, we dive into the emotional world of other people through empathy. A constant frequency alignment. We jump with our mind to other places …
- Name: Mental Journey
- Acrylic on canvas
- Year: 2020
- Artist: Stage3Art
- Size: 20 x 20x 2cm
“Red Dragon” is an expression of powerful energy. Assertives, almost across boarders.
- Name: No ° 7 – Red Dragon
- Year: 2020
- Collection: Night art series
- Artist: Stage3Art
- Size: 21 x 30cm / Framed 42 x 33 x 3cm
Observation out of the darkness
“Observation out of the darkness” represent a typical scene of fragmented observation. Mysterious and full of emotional impressions.
Welcome to remote viewing.
- Name: No ° 2 – Observation out of the darkness
- Year: 2020
- Collection: Night art series
- Artist: Stage3Art
- Size: 21 x 30cm / Framed 42 x 33 x 3cm