Burkhard Heim

Burkhard Heim (1925-2001) was a German physicist whose main work – the attempt at a unified field theory that was supposed to bring quantum physics into line with the theory of relativity – represents a reliable theoretical basis for the effectiveness of remote viewing according to the current state of the art. In the scientific world, his theories have been very controversial and rejected as incomprehensible by most modern physicists. Markus Perk writes:

By expanding our known 4-dimensional world to a further 8 imaginary dimensions (x5 – x12), the physicist Burkhard Heim (1925 – 2001) showed that information and the ‘meaningfulness’ of events (i.e. probabilities, negative entropy) are fundamental and independent are an existing part of our universe. Heim’s approach was to achieve a complete metrization of 12-dimensional space and to expand gravity into the quantum realm (which he also succeeded in doing). This enabled him not only to understand the properties of the individual upper dimensions, but also to achieve an approach for the transition from matter to life and mental processes within a single demanding physical theory. Many of his results can also be seen in remote viewing sessions that also go beyond the realm of certified data.


More info:

A well-prepared overview of the importance of Burkhard Heim’s theories for the topic of remote viewing can be found on the website of the German remote viewer and IRVA speaker Dr. Markus Perk: The 12 dimensions of the Burkhard Heim.

At the 2020 IRVA conference, Dr. Markus Perk publicly presents Burkhard Heim’s worldview in its significance for remote viewing: Remote viewing and physics – the world view of the physicist Burkhard Heim

The author Illobrand von Ludwiger also presents Burkhard Heim’s theories on his own website in the form of primary sources and comments: www.heim-theory.com
