Palyne „PJ“ Gaenir

Palyne “PJ” Gaenir started remote viewing via CRV in late 1995. She created the first lay website on the subject (Firedocs RV partial archive). Along with her interest in scientific PSI research, she operated a number of free, hands-on online sites, including The View From Here and The Viewer Forum and its VWR and PSI email groups. Her training and correspondence with several former Star-Gate employees led her to an active role in the early online field. Her name may be best known in connection with the publication of the CRV Handbook in mid-1998. At that time she asked Paul H. Smith for a foreword, which he eventually granted her, commenting that there was now no stopping the publication and dissemination of the protocol.

PJ was then inactive on the Internet for four years. She returned in 2002 to run the RV Oasis private email group. In late 2002, she started the private project Dojo Psi, and in early 2003, she recruited viewers representing methods and training from around the world to start a public project that would be free and open to all viewers of all backgrounds, called Ten Thousand Roads or TKR Forum. In 2004, she set up an intro-practice dojo for TKR called Psi, as well as Panopticon and the private projects Taskerbot and Risk Intuit.

PJ trained with several people (both Star Gate trainers and others) in multiple methods, but now says she believes each method “is individual to the individual.” She is known for her adamant stance against scientifically derived RV protocols, but says she considers herself a “semi-Jungian mystic” and feels that Viewing “comes with the territory.” She is experimenting with her own viewing approaches, including what she calls Aspect RV and Archetype RV.

Her earlier blogs on RV are archived in her current (but infrequently updated) “esoteric” blog, Red Cairo. In 2009, she sponsored the Online Remote Viewing Expo. Although she still maintains various RV projects and sites online, and is sometimes seen publicly on the TKR forum or dojo, she says she currently has “little presence” in the public RV field, and puts more focus on “meditative individuation,” as she calls it (her blog on this topic is called Psiche). She says she will return to a more active role in online RV in a few years and intends to publish a book on the subject.

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