Ingo Douglas Swann

The developer and “father” of the Remote Viewing Protocol (1933–2013) was internationally known as an advocate and explorer of the extraordinary powers of the human mind and as a leading figure in government and scientific projects to research and identify the scope of subtle human perceptions. Since 1970 his name and work have been included in most contemporary books on PSI and the “paranormal”. His contributions have received widespread media attention and have been featured in every major US / UK television documentary on PSI phenomena and remote viewing. Ingo has been interviewed and / or profiled in dozens of magazines, including Time , Reader’s Digest, Smithsonian and Newsweek .

In a nutshell, Russell Targ, Harold Puthoff, and Ingo Swann were the original founders of the remote viewing research and application program.

His early work in parapsychology as a well-known and highly successful “guinea pig” made him one psychic superstar in this area. His subsequent research on behalf of American secret services earned him the status of a top PSI spy. His participation in government research projects required the discovery of innovative approaches for the actual realization of subtle human energies.

He viewed PSI forces only as part of the larger spectrum of human perceptual systems. He was the author of over a dozen books. His publisher, Swann-Ryder Productions, has reissued most of its titles as ebooks, audiobooks and paperbacks.

Like many other remote viewers, Ingo Swann was also a visionary artist. Some of his works are in the American Visionary Art Museum, Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, Edgar Cayces Association for Research and Enlightenment (ARE), Leslie Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art, and ONE National Gay and Lesbian Archives in the USC Libraries.

“All people have clairvoyant perceptual abilities, and that is the reason why they keep appearing, despite all social resistance.”

– Ingo Swann


Further information:

Ingo Swann Interview at Art Bell = remote viewing and ET telepathy (by RemoteViewed)


Remote viewing community discussion with Guest Elly Flippen Neice of Ingo Swann (February 19, 2021)