If a remote viewer is to explain a term or an impression in the target in more detail, the “Relational Diagram” is usually used. The instruction of the monitor could be laconically: “Put a box to it.” The viewer then fills this box with concrete data on the corresponding detail, which can also branch out in stages.
The quality of the work between monitor and viewer can be seen well in such relational diagrams. As soon as the viewer deals with detailed questions, he dives further and further into the “data field” and the left hemispheric functions are used more and more sparsely. If the monitor does not now encourage the viewer to constantly record his impressions, the viewer would soon only talk and no longer note anything. This can be technically caught with audio documentation, but the resulting “idling” of the left hemisphere bears the danger of AUL drives creeping in uncontrollably.
So the bottom line is: the viewer works best when it fully records everything it says. The special structure of the RV protocol then makes it possible for any other person trained in the technique to read out the protocol without loss and neutrally.
Relational diagram
answer specific questions
Work through codings
Explain terms in detail
Detailed analyses
For viewers of session transcripts, relational diagrams are relatively easy to read because they correspond well in structure and sequence to our viewing habits and document well the derivation of individual impressions.