Remote viewing does not work without a structure, because it is not only a central component, but the actual functional element of the RV methodology. The remote viewing structure is adhered to in a formal, orderly, precisely defined process (mostly) using pen and paper. We call this process the “protocol”. In the course of time, different protocol variations have been developed, which however refer to a common functional core, derived from perception processes that build on one another.
The structured processing of all information and RV-related subjective phenomena in the correct order enables the special performance of remote viewing, namely the consistent removal of AOL from the viewer’s system through conscious objectification.
Excerpt from the original manual by Paul H. Smith:
“Structure” is a singularly important element in remote viewing theory. The word “structure” signifies the orderly process of proceeding from general to specific in accessing the signal line, of objectifying in proper sequence all data bits and RV related subjective phenomena, and rigorous extraction of AOL from the viewer’s system by conscientious objectification. Structure is executed in a formal ordered format sequence using pen and paper. A sample format will be provided as each stage is discussed in turn, since different elements are used in each. The core of all CRV structure, the “I/A/B” sequence is the fundamental element of Stage I, which is itself in turn the foundation for site acquisition and further site detection and decoding in subsequent CRV stages.