Remote Viewers

German Student Magicians

Paul H. Smith came to Germany for the first time this year to teach the CRV Basic Course to a class of 4 German students. Four excellent German viewers made an impression. And were impressed themselves.

German Student Magicians2024-05-28T22:37:09+02:00

25 years of Remote Viewing in Germany

We look back on a quarter of a century of Remote Viewing in Germany. 25 years ago, the first German remote viewers were trained, bringing Ed Dames' TRV protocol with them from their trip to the USA. A story of exciting times, in the spirit of optimism at the end of the nineties ...

25 years of Remote Viewing in Germany2021-12-22T02:29:40+01:00

Gold Standard

The PSI unit team on training with Paul H. Smith. This journey started as an adventure and stayed that way until the end: Two viewers starting on the most recent of four different remote viewing training programs—and starting once more from scratch. It was exciting, informative, adventurous – and very hard.

Gold Standard2021-10-10T14:31:57+02:00

1st military remote viewer

Mel Riley was the unit's first official military remote viewer at Ft. Meade. He served there from 1976–1981 and a second time from 1986–1990. He was significantly involved in the development of military remote viewing.

1st military remote viewer2021-09-19T15:15:39+02:00

CRV – R&D in military times

Today's CRV (Controlled Remote Viewing) was developed with the goal of being able to transfer "natural psychics" capabilities to selected non-media trainees. In addition, protocol-based work had the effect of allowing cleaner analysis of the data and dealing with the problem of AOLs.

CRV – R&D in military times2021-08-29T04:17:42+02:00

Hella Hammid

Hella Hammid was the first civil person to work with Russell Targ and Dr. Harold E. "Hal" Puthoff. She was the first female remote viewer, at all the first "normal person" viewer without prior psychic experience ...

Hella Hammid2021-06-14T02:47:22+02:00 Institut

We are approaching the 50th anniversary of the Star Gate program at the SRI. In September 1972, the official engagement of the US government and the secret services was established, which led to over 20 years of intensive research in the field of ESP phenomena and PSI applications. Institut2021-05-02T17:02:32+02:00


A striking number of remote viewers have either artistic or technical professions. The artist “Stage3art” works directly with stage 3 impressions from his sessions.


Es gibt keinen Zufall, nur das Nicht-Kennen der Ursache

Remote Viewing entdeckt man nicht durch Zufall, sagen die „alten“ Viewer. Und: Rund um den Globus gibt es bis heute nicht viele aktive RVer. Eine kleine Gruppe, die jedoch eine Erfahrung gemeinsam hat: Wer einmal den „Kopf in die Matrix gesteckt hat“, den krempelt das Leben komplett auf links. Man kann das, was RV an Möglichkeiten bietet, nicht einfach ignorieren. Wir, die Gründer von PSI unit, haben das auch erlebt. Und nun wollen wir mit unseren Fähigkeiten etwas nutzbringendes und sinnvolles anfangen. Es gibt viele Möglichkeiten, wie wir damit nützlich sein können. Lesen Sie doch mal!

There is no coincidence, only not knowing the cause

Remote Viewing is not discovered by chance, say the "old" viewers. And: Around the globe there are not many active RVers until today. A small group, which has however an experience in common: Once you have "put your head in the matrix," life turns you completely inside out. You can't simply ignore the possibilities that RV offers. We, the founders of PSI unit, have also experienced this. And now we want to do something useful and meaningful with our abilities. There are many ways we can be useful with it. Have a read!

Remote Viewing tools

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