AOL Drive

Excerpt from the original CRV manual by Paul H. Smith:

Although mentioned before, AOL Drive becomes a serious concern beginning in Stage III. It occurs when the viewer’s system is caught up in an AOL to the extent that the viewer at least temporarily believes he is on the signal line, even though he is not. When two or more similar AOLs are observed in close proximity, AOL drive should be suspected. AOL drive is indicated by one or more of the following: repeating signals; signal line ending in blackness; peculiar (for that particular viewer) participation in the signal line; and/or peacocking. Causes for AOL drive include accepting a false “B” component in Stage I; or accepting a false sketch or undeclared AOL in Stage III. Undeclared AOLs can spawn AOL drive in all other stages beyond Stage III as well. Once it is realized that AOL drive is present, the viewer should take an “AOL Break” (as discussed under STRUCTURE) , then review his data to determine at what point he accepted the AOL as legitimate data. After a sufficient break the viewer should resume the session with the data obtained before the AOL drive began.

Listed below are two subspecies of AOL drive.
a. Ratchetinq: The recurrence of the same AOL over and over again as if trapped in a feedback loop.
b. AOLPeacocking:” The rapid unfolding, one right after another, of a series of brilliant AOLs, each building from the one before, analogous to the unfolding of a peacock’s tail.