ARV – Associative Remote Viewing

Associative Remote Viewing, or ARV, is not a protocol in its own right, even if the naming seems so at first glance – it is application of remote viewing. Any regular RV method can be used to carry out an ARV project.

ARV basically functions as a decision tool between mostly two or three options (e.g. yes / no or A / B / tie). It does not matter whether the goal of the question is in the past, present or future. The elucidation of past events (was A or B the cause?) Is just as possible as the prediction of future events (will team A or B win?).

In the latter example we are also in the often and gladly practiced application of the ARV method: Predicting sporting events, stock market prices, etc. All events with a binary outcome are basically suitable.

ARV has been studied by a number of researchers with remarkable success. Dr. Harold E. Puthoff and Russell Targ, both former senior scientists for SRI-International’s consciousness research program, each conducted real money experiments focusing on the silver futures market. With the aim of funding a nonprofit Waldorf school, Puthoff’s project raised $ 250,000 to the wealthy investor who commissioned the project, ten percent of which (about $ 25,000) went to Puthoff and his charitable board, with whom they started the school . A similar ARV project that Targ ran with associate Keith Harary raised $ 120,000. (It wasn’t all just fun and games, though. In a subsequent project, Targ and Harary tinkered with the protocol and lost money. A third experiment a few years later, in which Targ worked with researcher Jane Katra, was again successful.) Since then there have been many similar attempts made by various people, many of them successful, ranging from silver futures to the stock market to sports betting and currency exchange.

Despite the relatively simple methodology, the process has some pitfalls. It is important to keep tasking and session as free from overlays as possible. Furthermore, it has been shown that viewers who continuously work on very similar questions quickly “burn out”. So successful ARV projects are only feasible in a team and require detailed planning, coordination and evaluation.