A single work unit in remote viewing is called a session. For a typical CRV session, the monitor and viewer sit opposite each other at a table. The room is designed to be as distraction-free as possible, so that disruptive environmental influences are minimized. At the beginning of the work, the monitor gives the viewer the “coordinates” for the question. These usually consist of a multi-line combination of numbers. The viewer does not find out more than these numbers about the question, so he has no conscious knowledge of the nature of his target area. Even the type of question – whether it concerns a place, a person or an event, for example – remains unknown to him. The viewer simply begins with the processing of a strictly structured protocol, through which the desired impressions are queried piece by piece. The monitor oversees the log process and directs the questions to the desired details in later stages, and also ensures that AOLs are distinguished from pure data. If he notices that the viewer is starting to guess, guess or interpret, he can catch the process in good time and clean up the data situation again.
The duration of an operational session with levels 1–6 is approximately one hour, whereby only the last part of this time can be used to record “high level data”. Depending on the level of difficulty and complexity of the question, several sessions are necessary in order to collect sufficient data to answer the respective question.
Nowadays, sessions via Skype or similar video conferencing tools are also used, in which the viewer points the camera at his sheet so that the monitor can follow the progress of the recordings. With the help of the software, such sessions can be recorded relatively easily for evaluation. In the case of live sessions, an audio or video recording is sometimes also made to simplify the evaluation.
Sessions can also be carried out as “solo sessions” (only by the viewer itself without the aid of a monitor). Here, however, the viewer himself has to take on the task of constantly monitoring his output in relation to AOLs, which requires a part of the analytical mind that should normally be pushed aside as possible, constantly in function. It is not easy to achieve this mental balancing act, and even experienced viewers confirm that working with Monitor can achieve a different quality. There are a few well-trained and experienced viewers who also deliver very good results in the solo area. As a rule, however, the security of viewing with monitoring is preferred for operational targets.
Excerpt from the original CRV manual by Paul H. Smith:
Remote Viewing Session: In a remote viewing session an individual or “viewer” attempts to acquire and describe by mental means alone information about a designated site. The viewer is not told what the site is that must be described but is provided a cue or prompt which designates the site.