Analytical Overlay (AOL)
Excerpt from the original CRV manual by Paul H. Smith
Conscious subjective interpretation of the signal line data, which is sometimes applicable, sometimes not applicable to the target area.
The remote viewing theory is roughly based on the Freudian model of human levels of consciousness. The lowest level of consciousness is paradoxically called “unconscious”. However, it only means that those parts of our mental processes that we call “consciousness” or “awareness” have no access to the things that are going on. It is obviously that part of a person’s psyche that first perceives and receives the signal. From here it is passed on to the autonomic nervous system. The moment the signal line acts on the ANS, the information is converted into a reflex reaction of the nerves, which is directed through muscle channels controlled by the ANS. If the person allows it, this reaction is put on paper as an ideogram. At the same time, the signal is passed into the subconscious, through the Limen (= consciousness threshold) and over the consciousness threshold (BWS). This is the highest level of consciousness from the point of view of human physical awareness. Normal wakefulness, however, poses a certain – and sometimes very large – problem for the remote viewing process, because linear, analytical thought processes, which are favored by our society and supported from our early stages in the development of our skills, occur. While these are extremely useful in a society that relies heavily on quantitative data and technological development, they hinder remote viewing through the formation of “analytical overlay” or “AOL”. As soon as the signal line flows over the ESPE and enters the threshold area of consciousness, the analytical process feels obliged to establish a correspondence between the spontaneously seemingly incomprehensible data coming from an unexpected source. In other words, he is forced to make “logical” assumptions based on the impressions he has perceived. Basically, the mind forms one or more immediate conclusions based on the incoming information, without waiting for enough information to make a proper judgment. This process is completely reflexive and occurs even if the person involved does not want it to. Instead of allowing holistic processes in the right hemisphere (in which the signal line apparently manifests itself) to form a complete and accurate concept, analytical processes in the left hemisphere rush to every piece of information that is somehow familiar to them and form an AOL based on it.
For example, a viewer received the coordinates of a large steel girder bridge. The flash of thought of a complex, metallic, man-made structure could flow into the ESPE regions of the mind of the viewer, but so briefly that no coherent impression can be created. The consciousness, which works at a much higher speed than the viewer expects, receives information fragments such as angles, riveted beams and the impression of a roof and leveling, whereby it makes the viewer’s physical awareness that the target area is outside a large football stadium is located. The “impression” is of course wrong, but is at least composed of correct impressions that have been combined by overzealous analytical processes of the viewer and merged into a faulty assumption.
AOLs are dealt with by declaration or objectification as they occur by writing “AOL Break” on the right side of the paper. This is followed by a detailed description of the AOL directly under the note. This is intended to inform the viewer’s system that the AOL has been sufficiently noted and that the system should not deal with it any further. In doing so, the system is freed from unwanted disturbances and fantasies and a clear scanning of the signal line with subsequent appropriate decoding is made possible.