The term “Gestalt” is a central concept in the original terminology of Remote Viewing. Precisely because it is a loan word from the German language, we come into conflict with the translation here, because the meaning of the word is different in RV linguistic usage.

What is meant by “Gestalt” in Remote Viewing?

In colloquial usage – that is, the terminology closest to us – “gestalt” refers to a primarily visual impression, an external shape or outline that characterizes the appearance of things or living things. The English-speaking viewer, on the other hand, understands “gestalt” to mean much more than that, an overall impression, so to speak, an abstract of all perceptible data or even an essence of the target, and is thus not limited to the visual idea we automatically form when we use this word.

The “gestalt” of the remote viewing target meant here most closely resembles the philosophical (technical) term describing the transition of the externally perceptible world to the inner imaginative world. In it, the activity of action combines with the passivity of perception to form a unity in which the transition between view and meaning merges.

Excerpt from the original CRV manual by Paul H. Smith:
A unified whole; a configuration, pattern, or organized field with specific properties that cannot be derived from the summation of its constituent parts.

Since the Gestalt concept is essential to the functional understanding of Remote Viewing, one should definitely familiarize oneself with the subtleties of this conceptual definition. As an explanation, one can helpfully recall the sentence “The whole is more than the sum of its parts”.

Lyn Buchanan wrote this about it.:

The word “gestalt” is not a remote viewing term, even though that is the place you will hear it most. It is, in fact, a psychological term which means the basic conceptual quality or basic aspect of any one thing. For example, “dew”, “lake”, “ocean”, “sweat”, “rain”, “ice”, etc., all have the gestalt of “water”. If you were to add “gasoline”, “bleach”, and “oil” to that list, the basic gestalt would be “liquid”.

Remote viewing starts off with the viewer getting the basic gestalts of the site, and then taking each gestalt individually and describing its individual qualities. So, a session might begin with the viewing finding that the target has the basic gestalts of “land”, “water”, and “manmade”. The second step or stage in the remote viewing process is to first give an actual description of the “land” at the site, then the “water” aspect of it, and then describe the “manmade” aspect of the target. In this way, a picture of the target builds up in a pollution-free environment.

One way of understanding the word, “gestalt” is to say that it is the “—iness” of the target. That is, “the target has water-iness, land-iness, and manmade-iness to it.”

Gunther Rattay explains it this way:

The gestalt is the overall description of the target area that the viewer addresses by the coordinate.

In simple terms, gestalt is what in Stage V is the top level of information, which is then broken down into Objects, Attributes, Subjects. A gestalt can be, for example, “The Eiffel Tower”, and is thus a conglomeration of building, functionality, activity, and in addition, the entire lifecycle – from the history of its creation, the idea of how it was conceived, to the moment when its junk decays into the ground – is also included.

In the RV protocol, the gestalt is the source and the ideogram is the representation of this broken down to two dimensions. The gestalt term is an organizational expression of an overview designation of any complex process in our four-dimensional everyday world. In the matrix itself we have possibly the largest information content, which this multiversal reality can offer at all, and could represent this nevertheless as a complex with an ideogram. This shows how powerful this structure or mechanism is, which is called by this simple expression “gestalt”. It is a simple expression for a way to describe everything.

The difference in quality between the gestalt and the ideogram as its representation could be illustrated with the following comparison: A one-hour video recording of a summer vacation is not what one experienced as a whole, but a representation of it. The figure of “summer vacation”, on the other hand, comprises everything that one has consciously experienced oneself, the complete sensory impressions, emotions, the lifecycle of this chain of events and additionally all surrounding aspects that are interwoven with it. This is much more comprehensive than what is ultimately recorded on the video. Therefore, the gestalt is always the all-encompassing, completely complete, but interestingly also highly interconnected with other events.

Gestalt as a key concept of remote viewing information technology is a foundation for understanding the interaction of our consciousness with all aspects of everyday life, from the smallest up to the complex dynamics in this universe.