Gunther Rattay
Gunther Rattay is a German TRV trainer and the “progenitor” of the German remote viewing scene. In 1996 he trained with Ed Dames in Beverly Hills/California in an eleven-day 1:1 training his CRV/TRV protocol in the detailed version (Stage I-V CRV, Stage VI Tools and High-Level-Prompts). After this training he began to teach this method as a trainer in Germany and made contact with two other Germans who were also trained by Ed Dames in the same year.
Together they founded the ISFR (Institute for Survival techniques and Future Research) at the end of 1996, which offered the training for about a year. (In that year Gunther Rattay also trained Manfred Jelinski here, who changed the method to the version taught today by the RV Academy).
After 1998 Gunther acted again independently as a trainer. Until today he follows the training approach of Ed Dames, a 1:1 or 1:2 training with instructor, and teaches its protocol unchanged. The only change was a division of the whole course into different training modules to make it easier for the trainees to internalize and practice what they have learned by taking possible breaks between the individual training steps.
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