The signal line is a hypothetical contact to the signals and information emanating from the matrix and flowing into the subconscious of the viewer, from where they can reach the conscious perception of the viewer and be recorded by the trained RV process, which can lower or open the perception threshold, at least for a limited time. The model of the signal line belongs to the original word creations of Ingo Swann, the inventor of the method, who with this vocabulary gave Remote Viewing its identity, which is still coherent today.
Signal line – Terminology is the RV identity
A translation problem for the Geman RV scene has to be considered here. Even though German remote viewers mostly use the term “Signallinie” as a translation of “Signal line”, the better translation of the English term “line” would be “Leitung” in the sense of an information channel and not “Linie” with the meaning of a mark on paper. This explains perhaps the greatest misunderstanding in the assignment of the function of the “signal line”. (Contrary to further misunderstanding interpretations, the signal line also does not mean the ideogram, even if this represents a line on paper).
Swann and later also the military viewers assumed that the data belonging to the target reach the subconsciousness by the contact of the viewer and are available from there for the viewer. It is spoken during the session process that the viewer “contacts the signal line” and from there in a constant change of “detect/decode” retrieves the data and puts it on paper (or records it according to the protocol). Depending on the protocol, one defines this contact area symbolically (e.g. center column, ideogram contact) and defines the touch of the pen with this zone as a contact (detect), in order to subsequently write down the retrieved data packets (decode). This data retrieval from the subconscious is not a detailed perception, but most closely resembles a memory in terms of feeling. The detect/decode switch is thus a constant switch between an unconscious and conscious process. Most protocols derived from the original CRV, including the DIA CRV Manual by Paul H. Smith et al. from 1986 (translated by Gunther Rattay, 1997), often cited here in the glossary, make use of this model.
David Morehouse finds a very vivid comparison in his courses, “I encourage new viewers to think of the signal line as a fiber optic cable (just a visual representation). Each filament of this massive cable carries various channels or categories of verbal and visual data.”
An alternative theory of access to target information is represented in the German RV scene by RVA (Manfred Jelinski). Here one rather assumes a switching theory, which is also organically/physically traceable in the brain. Günther Haffelder’s experiments, which could clearly visualize the different wavelengths in the two brain hemispheres during the viewing process, provide the basis for this. The intermediate step of data storage in the subconscious is omitted in this theory, the viewer changes in the same way between conscious/left-hemispheric and unconscious/right-hemispheric processes, but in the unconscious state it accesses the matrix information directly each time. An interesting approach to a functioning model of information transfer or interaction in the matrix is further provided by Burkhard Heim’s physical theory with its twelve dimensions. An informative lecture on this subject was given by Dr. Markus Perk as a screen lecture at the IRVA conference in July 2020.