1st military remote viewer
Mel Riley was the unit's first official military remote viewer at Ft. Meade. He served there from 1976–1981 and a second time from 1986–1990. He was significantly involved in the development of military remote viewing.
CRV – R&D in military times
Today's CRV (Controlled Remote Viewing) was developed with the goal of being able to transfer "natural psychics" capabilities to selected non-media trainees. In addition, protocol-based work had the effect of allowing cleaner analysis of the data and dealing with the problem of AOLs.
Sidereal time
There have been a number of trials in the past that have gathered evidence that human PSI skills, such as remote viewing, are influenced by external factors. [more ...]
RV: Science and Wikipedia
Russell Targ, who with Harold Puthoff researched and named the phenomenon in 1972, wrote an open letter to the Wikipedia platform in 2014, showing many arguments why their classification of RV as "pseudoscience" is incorrect [more ...]
A packaging theme
Remote viewing is not a protected term. Due to a lack of general terminology, the term is now used as a synonym for all possible variants of PSI-based perception. [more ...]
Remote viewing vs. clairvoyance
The term “remote viewing” would probably be a more precise description than the literal translation of “remote viewing” - it is not directly about seeing. [more ...]
The Stargate Project
The first long-term use of remote viewing as a technique, the "Star Gate Project" is the largest funded program in the history of parapsychological research. [more ...]
Remote viewing by order
Viele verschiedene Fragestellungen sind mit Remote Viewing erforschbar. Besonders reizvoll ist auch die Möglichkeit, unabhängig von Raum und Zeit Orte und Situationen zu beleuchten und nach Lösungen zu suchen. Erwarten Sie aber keine Wunder – auch der beste Remote Viewer hat keine 100-prozentige Trefferquote. Die Methode ist nicht unfehlbar und hat Empfehlungs- oder Beratungscharakter.
Durch Remote Viewing eingeholte Informationen sind ausschließlich Empfehlungen oder Beratungen ohne Gewährleistung. Wir empfehlen, sich umfassend zu informieren und alle verfügbaren Informationen auf der Basis von Logik und Rationalität abzuwägen. Speziell im Gesundheitsbereich gilt: Die Inhalte der Sessions können und sollen nicht verwendet werden, um eigenständig Diagnosen zu stellen oder Behandlungen zu beginnen.