25 years of Remote Viewing in Germany

We look back on a quarter of a century of Remote Viewing in Germany. 25 years ago, the first German remote viewers were trained, bringing Ed Dames' TRV protocol with them from their trip to the USA. A story of exciting times, in the spirit of optimism at the end of the nineties ...

Gold Standard

The PSI unit team on training with Paul H. Smith. This journey started as an adventure and stayed that way until the end: Two viewers starting on the most recent of four different remote viewing training programs—and starting once more from scratch. It was exciting, informative, adventurous – and very hard.

Third Eye Spies

Of the four main characters who have been involved in researching and justifying the method since 1972, only two are still alive today. One of them, Russell Targ, was the producer of the film "Third Eye Spies" (2019). The producer managed to get such a large number of people who belonged to the "original cast" in front of the camera, as it will probably never be possible again. [more ...]

–Gestalt– in Remote viewing

The term “Gestalt” is a central concept in the original terminology of Remote Viewing. Precisely because it is a loan word from the German language, we come into conflict with the translation here, because the meaning of the word is different in RV linguistic usage.

Signal line

The signal line model is one of the original word creations of Ingo Swann, the inventor of the method, who used this vocabulary to give Remote Viewing its identity, which is still coherent today. When translating the idea into the German language, the translation "Signal line" is more coherent ...

PSI.vision Institut

We are approaching the 50th anniversary of the Star Gate program at the SRI. In September 1972, the official engagement of the US government and the secret services was established, which led to over 20 years of intensive research in the field of ESP phenomena and PSI applications.

Remote viewing by order


Viele verschiedene Fragestellungen sind mit Remote Viewing erforschbar. Besonders reizvoll ist auch die Möglichkeit, unabhängig von Raum und Zeit Orte und Situationen zu beleuchten und nach Lösungen zu suchen. Erwarten Sie aber keine Wunder – auch der beste Remote Viewer hat keine 100-prozentige Trefferquote. Die Methode ist nicht unfehlbar und hat Empfehlungs- oder Beratungscharakter.

Durch Remote Viewing eingeholte Informationen sind ausschließlich Empfehlungen oder Beratungen ohne Gewährleistung. Wir empfehlen, sich umfassend zu informieren und alle verfügbaren Informationen auf der Basis von Logik und Rationalität abzuwägen. Speziell im Gesundheitsbereich gilt: Die Inhalte der Sessions können und sollen nicht verwendet werden, um eigenständig Diagnosen zu stellen oder Behandlungen zu beginnen.